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Trakindo is organizing the Cat Global Operator Challenge in Indonesia as part of a world-class event that is being held for the first time by Caterpillar globally to find the best operators worldwide. TRAKINDO also wants to ensure that the news coverage will continue for two full months, during the event.

What we did

IMOGEN and Trakindo invited the customers to be actively involved in activities by sending their operators through national competition in 5 big cities in Indonesia.

IMOGEN and Trakindo aim to build awareness towards the opportunities for Indonesian operators on the international scale by uncovering the facts about the diverse conditions of the working environment of the heavy equipment industry in Indonesia through direct experience with journalists.


A total of 74 operators from Trakindo customers and the general public throughout Indonesia participated in this competition. More than 130 journalists throughout Indonesia also attended the event which was held in 5 major cities in Indonesia

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